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Success Stories
2024 iCARE Award Winners

Success Stories
Addressing Food Insecurity Around the State
Food insecurity is a term that includes people who cannot afford food but also households that consistently lack enough food for everyone in the home. The U.S. Dept of Agriculture says that 10.5% of all U.S. households experienced food insecurity in 2019. Research from Northwestern University estimates that during the pandemic, that number more than doubled.
The West Virginia managed care organizations (MCOs) have partnered with various agencies around the state to address food insecurity affecting our communities. Since 2020, the WV MCOs have collectively donated over $7.5 million to local food banks, shelters, churches, missions and other organizations providing food to those in need. These efforts are not just being supported monetarily, but the dedicated employees of the managed care companies are in these communities serving and working to make a difference.

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